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Atlantica Coffee holds the 2nd Mutua Project awards ceremony

by Apr 19, 2024Coffee0 comments

On April 11, the 2nd Mutua – Matas e Nascentes Project awards ceremony was held, a get-together to award US$3.00 per bag exported to the producers taking part in the project.

The project aims to implement good sustainable practices on the coffee farms of producers in the Matas de Minas at zero cost, i.e. all the improvements are 100% funded by the company behind the project, Atlantica Coffee.

The breathtaking scenery of the Caparaó mountains served as the backdrop for the start of the celebration, with an opening message from Rodrigo Montesanto, CEO of Atlantica Coffee. He expressed his sincere thanks to the coffee growers for their contribution to the sustainability of the coffee sector through the actions of this project.

Next, Roney Gonçalves, the person in charge of the project, presented the results achieved by the first group of participants: a total of 12,050 seedlings were planted, 25 springs were restored and 13 farms received primary treatment for domestic sewage.

Then it was time to reward the coffee growers, who received a bonus of 3 dollars per bag sold. It’s important to note that participating coffee growers are not obliged to market their coffee with Atlantica Coffee. The company behind the project offers support to implement good sustainable practices on the producers’ coffee farms, but the marketing of the coffee is the choice of the growers. The bonus for the number of bags sold with Atlantica is just one of the ways to encourage them to stay on the path of sustainable coffee growing.

The participants’ awards are a validation of the success of the actions undertaken by the Project. The bonus granted by Atlantica not only recognizes, but also celebrates the effort and dedication of coffee growers to boost the sustainable development of Brazilian coffee growing. By incorporating sustainability at every stage, we are witnessing a real win-win situation, where both producers and the environment reap the rewards of a shared commitment to a brighter future.

Read more:

Mutua Project: Results from the first group of coffee growers

Check out the results from the first group of coffee growers of the Project Mutua – Forests and Springs, an Atlantica Coffee initiative to boost sustainability and positive impact coffee growing. Click here to read.

Coffee Flowering Season: a crucial moment for productivity

Learn all about coffee flowering stage and how it directly impacts on crop’s productivity: Read more.

*This article aims only to provide information about the impacts of weather, based on internal and public sources, valid at the time of its dissemination. It does not aim to guide recipients in making any decisions, which are therefore solely the responsibility of the recipient. Atlantica Coffee is exempt from any liability arising from direct or indirect losses.