Atlantica Coffee operations – COVID-19 | Atlantica
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+55 35 3222 0495 Av. Princesa do Sul, 1885 | B. Rezende, Varginha, MG, Brasil | CEP: 37062-447
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Atlantica Coffee operations – COVID-19

por mar 31, 2020Coffee0 Comentários

Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil

March 31, 2020


Dear valued partners,


We would like to share our perception of the ongoing situation and the impacts of COVID-19 on the coffee chain.


Brazil is in quarantine, without prediction and consensus by the government, whether we should stay in isolation or resume economic activities.


There is a considerable concern about the economic health of the population and of small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs, who are mostly decapitalized.


With the beginning of the 20/21 harvest in April for some regions, there is a great worry for the health and well-being of coffee pickers and producers. However, measures to protect them are being discussed by the responsible entities.


Some warehouses, pushed by the current situation, are reducing their operations, which implies agile and strategic actions on our part to reduce the impact on our shipments.


In destination countries, we observed that most of the customers have adapted their operations. Some roasters and coffee shops have suspended their activities, with no prospect of returning before the end of April. In other quarters, world demand is tight in the short term.


Measures taken by Atlantica Coffee in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic


– At Atlantica Coffee, most employees are working from home. Only a few is working in the quality laboratory to the sending of pre-shipment, shipment and quality control samples for contracts.

– Only a single person is doing the cuppingper tasting table. We understand that this measure, together with the reduction in the number of people  present in the offices, are alternatives to protect the health of those who stayed to maintain the fluidity and quality of the entire operation.

– We slowed down the shipping of type samples, since the priority will be the fulfilment of the contracts that we already have with our customers until then.

– Our coffee origination offices in the cities of Caparaó, Manhuaçu, and Alto Jequitibá have been closed until it is safer for the health of our buyers and suppliers to resume activities.


Our strategies are constantly being revisited to keep up with the intense dynamism of the scenario. Naturally, there will be an impact of COVID-19 on our usual high service level provision and we seek to remain flexible to recent requirements. However, we do not know what are the most accurate solutions in the short term.


We will continue to do our best, but without reversing priorities – life always comes first.


We encourage everyone to maintain optimism and tranquility, follow all prevention guidelines and, as usual, drink coffee!


We thank you for your continued cooperation and partnership – stay well!


Let’s keep believing and investing in the coffee culture!

Atlantica Coffee team
