SINCE 2000
Atlantica Coffee

One of the biggest coffee exporters in Brazil
We are coffee exporter company, founded in July 2000, from the Montesanto Tavares Group.
Since the beginning of our activities, we have always seen coffee as something beyond than just a product, for us, the international coffee trade is a work ritual, a connection and involvement factor.
Through our coffees, we bound to people of this universe full of possibilities, we understand their needs, creating solutions and supporting all the activities related to it, through a relationship based on trust and transparency.
We are a coffee company for the coffee people: producers, buyers, partners, roasters and consumers; and this is how we became one of the biggest exporters of Arabica coffee in green beans in Brazil in the “Superior” and “Comercial” lines.
In 2020, Atlantica commercialized more than 2 million bags, destined for over 40 countries on all continents.
Fruit of the relationship we build with each one: from person to person in the coffee world, seeking the best results for everyone.
Our quality and excellence translates into the care we take at all stages of our processes and to our people who are responsible for this.
The coffee beans are selected, refined, stored and transported in modern structures from the Montesanto Tavares Group and partners with high-tech machinery, operated by highly qualified professionals.
Our Customer Care department has the mission of taking care of our customers by anticipating demands and solving them quickly, an important asset in the international coffee trade business.
In addition to being a solution, cordiality, agility and promptness are some of the differentials that contribute to Atlantica Coffee
excellence as a coffee exporter.
Our quality team is formed by q-graders who master coffee grading, cupping and quality control.
With commitment and involvement, the people who build our team, solidify Atlantica Coffee as a company committed to people and their goals.
Together, our team totals almost 150 collaborators. Meet some of us:

Rodrigo Montesanto
CEO Atlantica

Marcelo Marson
Financial and Risk Manager

Daniel Gualberto
Controllership Manager

Irene Vieira
Coffee Sales Manager

Danilo Vitor
Traffic Manager

Márcio Fagundes
Quality and Purchasing Manager

Luciano Pechara
Admnistrative Warehouse Manager

Rogério Celestino
Operational Manager

Gabriel Conte
Operational Planning Coordinator

Bruno Gomes
Quality Coordinator

Andrea Franklin
Coffee Sales

Pedro Gazola

Lais Domingues
Coffee Sales

Gabriel Carvalho
Customer Care
Montesanto Tavares Group
We are a Trading Company of the Montesanto Tavares Group, a holding company that currently includes the firms Atlantica Coffee, Ally Coffee, Cafebras, Armazéns Gerais Leste de Minas and GMT Farms.
Except for Ally Coffee, which is based in the Americas, Asia and Europe, all the companies are located in Brazil, but their commercial relationships reach all the continents.

Ricardo Tavares
GMT President

Rogério Schiavo
GMT Executive Director Corporate Areas

Bruno Tavares
GMT CFO Tradings

Raquel Gouveia
GMT Director of Governance, Risk and Compliance

Renata Campos
GMT Legal Manager

Thiago Franco
GMT Sustainability Coordinator

Future of generations
Part of Atlantica Coffee’s profits is reverted to Instituto Café Solidário, a project focused on the social and cultural development of children, adolescents and the elderly.
Currently, the project contributes to improve the social and cultural conditions of 195 people:
• 154 children and adolescents in Buritizeiro, MG, Brazil
• 26 elderly people in Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais
• 15 local teachers
• 324 meals served daily

Montesanto Tavares Group
In 2020, our connections led our group to a record: 3,488 million bags sold!
The Montesanto Tavares Group, founded in 1998, is a Brazilian holding company with a multinational presence, operating from production, processing and export to importing the grain with operations in more than 60 countries.
Except for Ally Coffee, which is based in the Americas, Asia and Europe, all the companies are located in Brazil, with operations on all continents.
The GMT group is recognized worldwide as one of the biggest groups of the international coffee trade.
The coffees commercialized by the GMT tradings are originated from world coffee producers, including large, medium and small growers of green beans of Arabica coffee, strengthening family farming and valuing coffee culture.
In addition, the trading companies also commercialize part of the own production of the GMT farms.
Our Certifications

Certification becomes an excellent tool for building sustainability as they move towards a common goal.
The certification aims at adapting to good agricultural, environmental, and labor practices, etc.
In addition to Atlantica’s certification groups of 4C and C.A.F.E Practices – Starbucks, we are a UTZ certified coffee exporter, which allows us to work with UTZ, 4C, Starbucks C.A.F.E. Practices and Certifica Minas.
Our Atlantica offices are strategically located in some of the main coffee cities in Brazil

Known for its tradition in coffees, it is considered the main coffee trade square in Brazil, it is equidistant from the main coffee export ports (Santos and Rio de Janeiro) and located in the South of Minas, the leading coffee producing region in the country.
+55 (35) 3222-0495
1885 Princesa do Sul Ave.
Rezende | Varginha | MG | Brazil
Zip Code: 37062-447

Considered the main coffee trading city in the Matas de Minas region, coffee is among the region great highlights, marked by the predominance of family agriculture.
330A Barão do Rio Branco Ave.
Baixada | Manhuaçú | MG | Brazil
Zip Code: 36900-000

Alto Jequitibá
Alto Jequitibá city, located in Matas de Minas region, produces excellent quality handcrafted coffee, with emphasis on family agriculture, with a high density of producers, demanding a special and therefore closer service.
368 Capitão Carlos Heringer St.
Centro | Alto Jequitibá | MG | Brazil
Zip Code: 36976-000

Caparaó city, located in Matas de Minas region, produces excellent coffee quality due to the combination of climate and altitude, whose production is handcrafted by farmer's families.
178 Américo Vespúcio de Carvalho Ave.
Centro | Caparaó | MG | Brazil
Zip Code: 36834-000
If you want to join our talent pool, check out the available positions on our career platform. Just click here and apply!
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We thank you for your interest and wish you good luck in advance!
Good Luck!