Thinking about the future requires actions in the present time.
With new challenges for the future of coffee growers in Brazil, we are increasingly aware of all links in Brazilian coffee supply chain movements, in order to ensure the maintenance of the coffee chain for generations.
Part of Atlantica Coffee’s profits is reverted to Instituto Café Solidário, a project focused on the social and cultural development of children, adolescents and the elderly.
Currently, the project contributes to improving the social and cultural conditions of 195 people:
• 154 children and adolescents in Buritizeiro, MG, Brazil
• 26 elderly people in Santa Luzia, Minas Gerais
• 15 local teachers
• 324 meals served daily
A photovoltaic mill project at Atlantica’s warehouse in Caparaó corroborates our mission to “originate consistently and promote improvements throughout the coffee chain”.
The project objective was to produce a clean and renewable energy matrix to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and strengthen our commitment to be sustainable and in continuous improvement.
✓ Location: Caparaó MG Brazil;
✓ 456 solar panels with a capacity of 335 W each;
✓ 18,449 KWH generated monthly;
✓ 77% of energy autonomy;
✓ Installed in suspended areas, not requiring additional land.
Our Sustainability team assists coffee growers to comply with 4C and Practices certifications through free consultation, also bearing the costs of external audit to Atlantica Coffee grower groups.
In those visits, the producer is guided about how the certification program works, also about the adequacy of internal structures or procedures when necessary regarding good labor, social, environmental practices, farm management, etc.
Personalized Service
✓ Purchasing priority whenever the
market is compelling;
✓ Purchasing possibility any time;
✓ Sample cupping list priority;
✓ Sustainability team support;
✓ Less bureaucracy: Fast and easy
sale registration.
Differentiated Negotiation
✓ Best prices (direct purchase);
✓ Possibility of future purchase for one harvest year ahead of the one practiced, allowing average price and better margins;
✓ Special credit line (differentiated rates, interest free grace and fixing deposited coffee subsidies in some cases).
Strategic Vision
✓ Alignment of good agricultural practices with the international market, bringing business prosperity.
Our Certifications

In addition to Atlanticas certification groups of 4C and CAFE Practices – Starbucks, we are an UTZ and RFA certified coffee exporter.
Which allows us to work with UTZ, 4C, CAFE Practices, and Certifica Minas.
The certification aims at adapting to good agricultural, environmental, and labor practices, etc.

We believe that certifications and seals are excellent tools for building sustainability, as they move towards a common goal.
The organization, management, liquidity, market opening, and improvement in the price paid to the producer for coffee are some of the advantages of being certified.